Pick Up Your Lenten Cross and Follow Him

Photo by Laura Allen on Unsplash

Like it or not, Lent is here! Some dread Lent. I, on the other hand, look forward to the God-given opportunity to reset my goals, priorities, and ideals. January 1st might be when the “world” readjusts with its New Year’s resolutions, but God knows we need another reminder to get back on track. Did you know that on secular college campuses, the most attended mass of the year is Ash Wednesday? Why would a bunch of college students who make up excuses on Sunday morning why they can’t make it to mass- because they are too tired, have too much homework, are hungover, mass is too boring, and many other lame explanations- make it a priority to get those ashes on their head? Because it is that important to them. The sacramentals mean something to them, and their souls are searching for something tangible. 

As a 54-year-old mother of 14, and grandmother of 12, you would think I got this Lent thing down. I come up with some doozies sometimes, but to be honest with you the simple diligent sacrifices I make are the most fruitful. Trust me, I make lists each year of new and exciting ways to suffer. They all sound so spectacular and sanctified. If I can do this for 40 days, I am sure to become a saint. When really, Jesus is just whispering small simple acts of charity that he desires of me. I find it super easy to love my neighbor and those new intriguing people I meet, but really Lord? YOU want me to be nice to my teenager, cook a special dinner for my husband, read a book to my kindergartener, write a note to that lonely relative, play a game with my 11-year-old, and listen to the story my daughter wants to tell me when I would way rather look at Instagram photos of my grandbabies? Now, that is sacrifice!

Real virtue happens in the drudgery of doing the dishes, picking up the dirty clothes on the floor, or even driving with the radio off so you can spend some much-needed time listening to the Lord. I tend to spend most of my time making lists: things I need to do, stuff I must buy at the grocery store, people I want to call, and people who need prayers. If I just stop, God is there to whisper wisdom, clarity, and insight to me. If I just keep my mouth shut for the time being and listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, then I would know HE is saying to be still and know that HE is here trying to give me the answers I so dearly want. Just be present. 

Ugh, did I have to mention being present? I am pretty good at pretending I am listening to my husband when unfortunately, I am thinking of how late I am going to be for my lunch out with my friends, or the tired child who just wants one more story or back rub. That’s where Christ is asking me to pick up my Lenten Cross and follow Him. 

If you are like me, God knows your New Year’s resolutions could use another push to keep going and change those bad habits that have hung on to us way too long. Another weird habit of mine is trying to come up with some new and exciting ways to fast, give alms, and pray more.

Many of us will think of normal Lenten sacrifices like giving up sugar, alcohol, social media, praying the rosary, and getting to daily mass; these are all fantastic ideas. Maybe add an extra or different sacrifice this year. Here is a list of some different ideas. 

  1. Do a Lent box. Put a favorite item away (like a piece of jewelry, or a kid could do a favorite toy). Open it on Easter day. 
  2. Drink only water (maybe after your morning caffeine).
  3. Make a set time to wake up and go to bed during the week.
  4. Turn down the heat.
  5. Put a timer on for 10 minutes and read the Bible. 
  6. Don’t take seconds at meals.
  7. Don’t buy fast food; instead, use that money for a needy family, pay off a debt, or donate to a ministry of your choice.
  8. Go without a pillow.
  9. Drive the speed limit.
  10. Write and mail a letter a day.
  11. Give up a favorite spice or dip (of course not talking about Chick-fil-A sauce).
  12. Put a small pebble in your shoe.
  13. Give up using a convenience, like a microwave.
  14. My husband’s favorite: Forty bags in forty days (get rid of 40 bags of stuff)!


I know some of those sound silly, but who knows, they might give you some other ideas to try. Try checking out some of your favorite blogs, websites, or podcasts for ideas. Maybe these will bring you new insights. 

Kendra Tierney is a one-stop place for so many great Lent ideas here

You can find some free Lent resources here and on my blog here

Some resources for the Triduum are here.

Have a holy, simple, slow, and quiet Lent. At least I hope I will.

Written by the Holy Rukus